Review-Driven Testing: Enhancing Code Quality, Upskilling Developers, and Promoting Testing Culture

In the world of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of code is paramount. One popular approach to achieving this goal is Test-Driven Development (TDD), where developers write tests before writing the actual code. TDD is also my default way of approaching software development.

However, I’ve started in many environments situations where code changes are made without accompanying automated tests. In such cases, I am using a method I call “Review-Driven Testing”, which helps not only to improve code quality and upskill developers, but also to promote a testing culture within development teams.

What is Review-Driven Testing?

Review-Driven Testing is a practical approach to adding automated tests to code changes that were initially developed without them. While traditional TDD focuses on writing tests before writing code, Review-Driven Testing involves writing tests after the code has been developed and submitted for review. It can be seamlessly used in teams that are not used to writing automated tests by default (yet).

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Easier Code reviews with Git Colored Move Diffs

Code reviews can be very time-consuming. Especially if you are reviewing a lot of code changes. Often, code changes are simple refactorings, such as extracting code into methods/functions or moving code around. These changes are more or less irrelevant for the review, since they usually don’t change the behavior of the code. As a reviewer, one still wants to make sure that code hasn’t been changed during the code move.

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Upgrade CDK/Cloudformation-managed AWS Aurora Serverless v1 (MySQL 5.7) cluster to Serverless v2 (MySQL 8.0) with minimal downtime

Since AWS is going to sunset / auto-upgrade Aurora Serverless v1 in December 2024, it’s time to upgrade to Aurora Serverless v2. Upgrading to Serverless v2 MySQL instances also means upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 under the hood.

This article describes how to adapt the AWS provided upgrade path to work with a CDK / CloudFormation infrastructure-as-code project, which requires a few more steps which I call the “CDK/CloudFormation retain-and-import dance“.

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Zero-downtime upgrade from AWS Aurora 2 (MySQL 5.7) to version 3 (MySQL 8.0) with the CDK and Aurora Blue/Green deployments

This article demonstrates how to upgrade an CDK (or Cloudformation)-managed AWS Aurora cluster from MySQL 5.7 compatible AWS Aurora 2 to MySQL compatible Aurora 3 engine without any - ok, I lied - one minute of downtime. The process utilizes the blue/green deployment feature of Aurora. It also shows how CDK/CloudFormation stacks are brought back in sync with the upgraded Aurora clusters.

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Automated MySQL RDS/Aurora initialization with CDK, Fargate and the MySQL CLI

A recurring task when provisioning databases is to initialize them with initial users, stored procedures, and/or tables.

In the CDK world, there is currently no native support for this, but there are some workarounds. AWS has a blog post about this, but it’s using a Lambda function, and a bunch of custom code which seemed like too much operational overhead for me.

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Lessons learned when restoring a MySQL Aurora RDS database from S3/Percona Xtrabackup

Recently I was trying to restore a Aurora database from an Percona xtrabackup, the de-facto industry standard for backing up self-managed MySQL databases. Luckily, RDS and Aurora natively support restoring a cluster from Percona xtrabackups. This comes very handy for migrations of big databases (For more information, check out the docs and this prescriptive guidance article from AWS).

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